Friday, April 3, 2009

40,000 strong against cancer‏

action alert

Dear reader,

Help pass the 21st Century ALERT Act.

Our goal: 40,000 signatures.

That's one for every woman who will lose their battle with breast cancer this year.

Urge your senators to support the ALERT Act today!

Last week we witnessed an important milestone in the fight against cancer with the introduction of the 21st Century Cancer ALERT (Access to Life-saving Early Detection, Research and Treatment) Act (S.717), a critical bill that will strengthen cancer research, emphasize early detection, and improve cancer care for underserved populations.

Over 13,000 Komen advocates have already taken action to support this bill, but we need your help if we're going to reach our goal of 40,000 signatures – one for every woman who will die from breast cancer this year.

Add your voice to the call to action – urge your senators to pass the ALERT Act.

Members of Congress are heading home for recess this weekend, which means the real fight has just begun. Over the next two weeks our senators will lay out their legislative priorities for the year in their own states and we have a small window to make sure passing the ALERT Act is at the top of their lists.

The ALERT Act will reignite the war on cancer by putting an emphasis on:

  • Increasing access to early detection methods available today and encouraging discovery of the early detection methods of tomorrow;
  • Strengthening and streamlining the cancer research process to more quickly and efficiently discover and deliver the cures for cancer; and
  • Improving access to treatment for underserved populations.

Senators Edward Kennedy and Kay Bailey Hutchison have made passing the ALERT Act a priority for 2009, but we need to act fast to make sure ALL our senators know that passing this bill is OUR priority.

Click here to urge your senators to support the ALERT Act now and help us reach 40,000 signatures!

As a dedicated Komen advocate, you know the harsh realities of cancer. 40 percent of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. 1.4 million new cases of cancer will be diagnosed this year alone. And last year, cancer claimed the lives of more than 1,500 people a day.

It's time to unleash the amazing power of science, technology and medicine to discover new ways to detect cancer as early as possible – earlier than we can currently imagine. As we do, we must also ensure that everyone has access to the screening and treatment options that exist today.

Let's take advantage of the momentum that has brought the 21st Century Cancer ALERT Act this far. Click here to take action TODAY.

Together, we can achieve our goal of one day ending suffering and death caused by cancer.


Ambassador Nancy Brinker
Founding Chair, Susan G. Komen for the Cure®
Board Member, Komen Advocacy Alliance


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